3 Floyds Space Station Middle Finger American Pale Ale

Recently a friend sent me a text after returning from a road trip. It said "Just got back from a road trip. Picked you up a souvenir while passing through Munster, Indiana." I wonder what it might he might've of gotten to give me. A copy of the NWI Times? A t-shirt that says Calumet Shoreline on it?

No and No. You say Munster, Indiana to any good beer loving denizen on the planet and there's only one thing that comes to mind.

That is, of course, 3 Floyd brewery. In the land where Smashin' Transistors sit, their beers are not at all distributed. Because of that, the chance of getting to taste one is pretty uncommon. It's always a special day when they can be. I hadn't had the Space Station Middle Finger before so away we go.

Bright orange and slightly hazing in color, a soft pour produced a slight head the stuck around as a light cap for a while. Tart and tropical were big on the aroma agenda. Grapefruit, pineapple and mango all came to the forefront when giving it a sniff. Back those up were wafts of white pepper, honey and pine.

The grapefruit is pretty huge in the flavor department too. Not a tongue piercer or anything but definitely bringing a bit of a pucker up front. Melon, pineapple, mango and apricot notes hang around the middle bringing something a little sweet and slightly musky. As the beer breaths, characteristics of honey and freshly baked biscuits come to the fore. The neat complexities close out with some dashes of ground pepper and lemongrass. The finish is crisp and slightly astringent but not sticky.

If you're an aficionado of beers with a bit of a juicy fruit profiles or dig some hop bite in your brew but are a bit burnt out on some of the ones out there now where the hops bomb everything in sight decimating nuances like, y'know malts and grains, this is one to seek out and enjoy.
Flip the bird and sip the brew at 3 Floyds
