The Hussy, No Bails and Sros Lords-Saturday, August 6th at Roche Bar in Port Huron

The Hussy-A two piece rock-n-roll band from Wisconsin that you can both drink and dance to.

Featuring Dutch from the Menthols and Mr & Mrs UFO Dictator-No Bails like beer and punk rock.

The Sros Lords claim they're from Detroit but sound like they are from outer space.

I'll most likely be spinning records between bands too. Things start around 10pm or so. The Roche Bar is located at 405 Quay St in downtown Port Huron, Michigan.

Here's the Facebook event page thingy too.


Shimmy said…
Looks good. Does the Roche still sell Short beer?
Coo said…
Nice to see the Roche still has live music instead of those djs from time to time
Dale Merrill said…
Yes, The Roche has several different Short's brews on hand and there's talk that they may add a few more Michigan microbrew companies to their beer choices too.