This band's bed of damaged pop is sturdy which is a good thing because when they invite odd bedfellows of sonic attraction to romp, jump
and roll around-it would probably collapse elsewise. "Working On Something" opens the album up sounding like You're Living Me All Over Me era Dinosaur Jr posing as a Buzzcocks tribute band. An instant hit for those who appreciate instant hits because of their whir-n-fire and not because of some overblown recording techniques. From there tracks like "Here Those Bells" and "Prison Mind" pick an under the influence of low budget opiate high fights with the last couple of Black Lips albums, swim through a swamp of cough syrup and Roxy Music's For Your Pleasure on "When You Wish", mix glass chips with Strawberry Bubblicious for "There You Go", get beat up and thrown out of country bar because some dickwipe in a Kid Rock t-shirt told them they weren't really country and to which they replied "Neither is that shit you listen to" on "I'm Gone" and bum out peace and love hippies the way Hawkwind did (and surely would again if the tape machine they were recording on sounded like it was being held together by electrical tape while the record knob was kept in it's position by the cardboard flap from a crush proof pack of cigarettes) with "I Don't Believe You/X-Tina". "Hey Little Girl" also takes notes from those kinda space rock and motoriks then pulls it out behind the garage to have their way with it.