Seems there's a new band every week being declared the next wave of synth music. Something new, fresh and exciting. Then checking the hyped group out one can't help but think
"Yeah, I suppose this is possibly new, fresh and exciting if you're 21, have an ironic mustache, get up to the second updates from Pitchfork Media to your iPhone and never heard of Howard Jones and the Thompson Twins." I mean, c'mon, are there actually THAT many people honestly digging things like the Passion Pit and the Junior Boys or just acting like they do because they think their friends do. Hey, I'm all for a nostalgia/revisiting trip as much as the next guy but fey 80's Europop redo's ain't no tourist trap I really want to visit.
When using the term "Synth Band" to describe this Montreal combo though the sound of peppy doot-doot-dah-doot's, plastic neon colored belts & ear rings and triangular haircuts don't come to mind. Floating through a outerspacescape where weird being taunt you on tracks such as "Crystal Ball, Crystal Skull" and "In Modern Colors" but no doot-doot-dah-doots. A band saw slicing up sheets of metal in a murky swamp only illuminated by are bare 40 watt light bulb and Red Mecca era Cabaret Voltaire on an Adderall sound of "Get High (Love Is The Drug)" and "Rube For You" maybe but nothing brightly colored. A simplistic and "vintage" drum machine getting it's dance beat mangled while re-imagining Chrome in 1976 San Francisco being clumsily dropped into 1981 Hermosa Beach so they can pick fights with Black Flag (though not at all sounding like them) on "Step Into A New Skin", "Blinded By The Arcade Lights" (which also has some creepy ass synthetic church bell loops threaded through it) and "Do The Slither Shimmer" but not really any sign of triangular haircuts. This is synth music for mopping blood off the floor and not dancing on one.
When using the term "Synth Band" to describe this Montreal combo though the sound of peppy doot-doot-dah-doot's, plastic neon colored belts & ear rings and triangular haircuts don't come to mind. Floating through a outerspacescape where weird being taunt you on tracks such as "Crystal Ball, Crystal Skull" and "In Modern Colors" but no doot-doot-dah-doots. A band saw slicing up sheets of metal in a murky swamp only illuminated by are bare 40 watt light bulb and Red Mecca era Cabaret Voltaire on an Adderall sound of "Get High (Love Is The Drug)" and "Rube For You" maybe but nothing brightly colored. A simplistic and "vintage" drum machine getting it's dance beat mangled while re-imagining Chrome in 1976 San Francisco being clumsily dropped into 1981 Hermosa Beach so they can pick fights with Black Flag (though not at all sounding like them) on "Step Into A New Skin", "Blinded By The Arcade Lights" (which also has some creepy ass synthetic church bell loops threaded through it) and "Do The Slither Shimmer" but not really any sign of triangular haircuts. This is synth music for mopping blood off the floor and not dancing on one.