Dark brown in color. Looks a bit cola really. Since it's a Dark Horse brew there's not much, if any, filtering of any sort going on so the floaties of grain hanging around the sides of the glass look sorta like soda bubbles. The was a tan in color and a modest half inch think that fade down fairly quickly. The scent borders on a cola too with the roasted malts taking on a caramel, coffee and molasses aromas.
First flavor to come out is that of sweet (but not overtly sugary) cream. The mouthfeel of the brew also has a light cream to it as well now that I'm mentioning it. Right behind it is caramel malts, brown sugar and a bit of nuttiness. The finish has something of a porter taste to it with a slight touch of bitters and baker's chocolate. There's some brown ales out there, to me at least, that have too much of a grit or dirt flavor going on. Boffo isn't like those. Nice level of complexities, very well rounded and quite flavorful. Definitely another good job from those malt, grain and hops outlaws over there in Marshall, Michigan